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Dienstag, 4. Oktober 2011

Lonely, Cryin', Only? - Not really.

Hey there,
special post for curious Charlotte ;D
I'm showing my new room. Room's the correct word for it, 'cause it is just a 30m² room. Without its own bath. A disaster for me! But I'll survive at least one semester. I'm sure. Because my room itself will look good soon.
First off, how it looked in its rawness:
desperately in need of a new chair (and by the way, I HATE yellow!)

but I somehow like the dark brown metal furniture

the door needs a new painting!

the bed looks... well.. I need a second mattress.

wardrobe inside, it's enough space for most of my stuff, I could barely imagine that

after hours of trying to bring the pieces together... here stands my new cupboard! (not even half-filled)

even the bed looks better now, plus that I've bought a new lamp (golden 'cause it will match my golden mirror :D)

and the sketch of the dress I plan to sew. I'm such a stupid copy-cat, but I was falling so in love with this gothic layering look. As I told I've already got a dress for underneath (thx Lotta!) so I'll just sew a circular chiffon skirt. Then I'll see how much chiffon's left for doing something else. But that's the idea.

Though I don't think I'll get much time for sewing until Friday, because I'll spend my time at decoration- and furniture-shops. I still don't know whether I should take my sewing-machine with me. It will distract me so much from studying... and I still don't know which guitar I should take with me. And whether I should take my keyboard with me or not. I'm still so undecided.

Oh and comment to my song-pick: I've got a crush on Therapy? lately. Maybe because I've just found an old album again. And maybe it was now exactly this song that stuck in my head 'cause it's uptempo though it is a really sad song. Can't get it out of my head for some reason.
Check out the video if you've liked the song: strange, surrealistic, black-and-white.

Donnerstag, 29. September 2011

A mouse on the keys and a bullet in my heart

Music by Mouse on the Keys, a Japanese jazz-whatever-I-dunno-how-to-describe - band. Heard about them from a guy that is also in my year at college, he really has a nice taste in music. Yes, I'm not only listening to rock, metal and such. Variety is the key :D And I think this band should become more popular. Statement made, let's change topic.

Well, I'm still searching for something to buy. Honestly, these boots from last post look funny, but I don't know if I'd wear them. Even at muddy festivals where I could need 'em.
So I was falling in love with these pumps:
by Moma, 270€, so freaking awesome.
But sadly... not my size. And way... I mean WAY (!) too expensive. Yep, I need to get rich. Material girl. I should rename my blog ^^

by Mai Piu Senza, 90€
 90€ is still expensive, but hey, I need to invest in key-pieces. Still... I guess I'll need money for my new room. And I've gotta decide 'til tonight, 'cause I'm on the road tomorrow at 6 o'clock in the morning. And Friday's my last day for the coupon.  Hm.

My next post will be sent from my old "home" again on Monday or Tuesday because I'm driving back home again with my parents for the rest of next week until next Friday/Saturday. The orientation week is starting only on 10th Octobre and I don't think I can get all the stuff I want to bring with me in two cars. I could, no, but I don't know exactly how big my room is. If I could find I place I want to bring my sewing machine, at least one guitar and my keyboard with me. But if the room's even tinier than my one at my parent's flat, there won't be any space for it.

I've wanted to show off one idea I've got quickly, I'm running out of time, still need to pack so many things. I saw this one at Chictopia:
via Chictopia by Naz_Isik (
 I've got a nice LBD by Charlotte (hey at this point!), it has got a lacy pattern, thin straps and a shape almost like the H&M dress above, just longer (kneelength, almost). The lady above just wore a chiffon skirt over the dress, which is simple, but very stylish and special. As I've got loads of black chiffon left from my prom-skirt I'm gonna sew a chiffon skirt for my LBD and add some chiffon on the top of the dress too. Hm. Gotta have to sketch it :D Good thing I've got free time and a sewing machine next week!

Dienstag, 27. September 2011

Whoever said it has been Alice Dellal...

that made the undercut popular under non-punks is wrong.
(Matching music needed now)

It was my favourite male trendsetter David Bowie:

See, even my colour! :D

Speaking of Bowie and ginger hair... just found this one. I hate to admit it, but:
sooooooo cuuuuuuuute! (even I sometimes think little kids are cute. But only when they're dolled up in a funny way like this one)
So here comes Baby Ziggy! ^__^

source: (nice blog by the way!)
Speaking of weirdness in a Ziggy-Stardust like fashion, here are my top three hats of the London Fashion Week (honestly, I've always envied the Brits for their tradition in hats, but some readers may already noticed that):

I'd call it: The Blood Red Swan. At Giles
booklovers at Kinder Aggugini 
Somehow grungy shred-style at Louise Gray
What I don't wanna show you is the Vagina-Hat. Yep, there was one. Not ON the runway, but some guy with such a hat showed up at the Fashion Week. If you're hardcore enough to handle this (haha, explicit pictures), search for it, I ran across it on the Internet while searching for the most stupid hats in London.
So then, I'll take my hands off my laptop, gotta pack 'cause I'm moving on Friday.

Read ya ^_-