(Razorlight - who needs love?)
Hey there guys,
yeeeeeah, I've got time for blogging again! Everything's over. All the stress, all the "you have to get up early", all this being surrounded by so many people, all this hugging and screaming. Suddenly there's silence. Strange somehow, but relaxing.
Well, let's start this post with Friday. Last show. Somehow strange it's over. And I don't know why I've got drunk after two glasses of whiskey and a half glass (not even half I guess) of absinthe. Maybe 'cause I didn't eat anything the whole day. Maybe because I didn't drink for weeks ('cause I took antibiotics) or maybe even because of the antibiotics, Friday was the last day of my 10-days treatment (another thing I'm glad about. No pills anymore!). However, three o'clock was way too early and I felt way too drunk. But I didn't had a hangover next morning. If I remember correctly, I never ever had a real hangover. And this was the first or second time I felt drunk, but I guess I wasn't even drunk, 'cause when I was home I felt pretty well. Hm, enough about that. I shouldn't blog about drinking experiences :D I'm just glad I didn't have to drive home. That's another thing why I usually don't drink when I'm out.
Eeeeehm... next topic.
Concert. I've been at another festival next day, on Saturday, with a friend of mine and her friend. I wasn't that much of a Razorlight-fan, just knew some songs, but whooo, they were awesome live. Plus the bassist was so strange and funny :D I guess the song I'm posting here was one of my favourites, first of all because of the lyrics. North London Trash also was awesome, In The City strange, disturbing but interesting, as a summary I thought everything sounded waaaay better live than on the records I heard. One thing that bothered me was just how Johnny looked like that day. Sick and ill somehow. Huge lacrimal sacs and shadows under his eyes, very pale... however, his voice was awesome, he jumped down the stage that was too high (I was standing first row and just saw heads and shoulders, not only 'cause I'm short), ran through the audience, I even had to help him climb over the fence again (grabbed his leg 'cause he was almost fallin' down :D poor guy). Another thing that scared me were the great balloons that some guys threw into the audience. I've got a natural fear from balls and stuff (broke my nose once because a football hit my nose and glasses) and the guy next to me had his elbows on the same height as my face was and he always grabbed the balloons...
Before I'm writing too much again, here are some photos I took:
a string broke :D |
Johnny, don't run so faaaaaast... |
so many people on the hill... and the scary balloons |
three strange girls o.o |
I'm so in the mood for concerts still... Don't know if I should get myself tickets for Front Line Assembly on 11th September in Munich. Only 22€, and the band is A-W-E-S-O-M-E. But first I need to convince some people to join me. Going on concerts alone is boring. And also I guess I'll run out of money with that many concerts.
Also, please take a minute thinking of the almost 100 people that got killed in Norway. It's harrowing how unsafe we are, how violent extremists are, how they use violence against children and adolescents. Can't finish a post at the moment without mentioning this, because I'm quite affected by these news.
Still have a nice Sunday, I'll spend mine lazy with sleeping, reading and gaming.