Mittwoch, 25. April 2012
Outfit-post: Black veils and paillettes
(Max Raabe - Song of Mandalay)
Hey girls (and guys),
another outfit post from me... after a long lime, 'cause my old cardreader couldn't read the CF-card these pics were on. That's what happens when you let your dad take your pics... You maybe won't be seeing outfit-posts until next week because I was falling off my bicycle today. Quite heavily. I'm wearing bandages around both hands right now and my knee looks awful. And everything just because I didn't want to be late and did overtake a car too near to the pavement... However, it will heal.
Occasion for this dress was a concert of Max Raabe, one of the few German singers known worldwide. Well, or at least, not only here. It was awesome, he was singing perfectly, making jokes (I really like his dry sense of humor), the orchestra was great (bass saxophones... where can you hear such instruments nowadays?) the concert hall in Karlsruhe looked great, but there were too things disappointing me. Firstly, the people weren't dressed right. Of course most men were wearing suit, some not, but the ladies... It's okay "just" wearing a costume or pantsuit, not everyone loves to dress up (apparently, I do), but I don't think it's adequate to wear denim, a striped shirt and a little rucksack to a classical/swing/whatever concert. In my opinion it shows a lack of respect for the artists. The other thing was that the female violinist did playback sometimes. You can't hide that on a violin. What confused me was that she could play awesomely. The solos she played live were great. She can do it. So why? Just to make the well known songs sounding perfect?
Dienstag, 17. April 2012
Home, bordeaux home...
Hey there,
I'm back in Passau, studying goes on and holy sh... There's a lot to do.
But at least my flat looks a little more like I'm living 'round here.
My parents helped me last weekend with these nice little wallpapers. It's much more decorated now. I hate plain white walls, so this was the easiest way. And I love the result. I just need to frame some pictures now, then I'm done with everything I guess. Soooo... that's how my place looks right now:
The living room has the same white/red curtain with additional dark red curtains as in my old room. Very dramatic looking... I somehow like the whole color-theme. Dark red, white and black. Sadly I've got wooden furniture in my sleeping room, but well... It can't be all white. It still looks okay in here.
I'm back in Passau, studying goes on and holy sh... There's a lot to do.
But at least my flat looks a little more like I'm living 'round here.
My parents helped me last weekend with these nice little wallpapers. It's much more decorated now. I hate plain white walls, so this was the easiest way. And I love the result. I just need to frame some pictures now, then I'm done with everything I guess. Soooo... that's how my place looks right now:
in fact this is a part of a whole wallpaper, I've cut it off to make such a border beneath the door-frame |
green wall... maybe this will lead me to sleep more ;D |
the curtain in my sleeping room, everything's red in my whole place ô_Ö |
The wallpaper I've cut in full view ;D |
I've made a kind of frame for my living room part of the room, the other part is the kitchen. It lacks some pictures above the coach. |
Dienstag, 10. April 2012
Chaussure grotesque
Bored of simple plain black pumps? Well, here's an inspiration for fresh design.
Some strange footwear I found around in the Internet. Every shoe is purchasable, they aren't design museum exhibits. Purchasable... but not for me, in most cases.
Here's my first example and the ones I maybe buy one day when I've got too much money left.
These gems are by Dsquared, the heel looks like a spine. Sadly I've seen them mostly as booties, I'd like them better as sandals. They are already quite old I guess (2010 collection?), so it's hard to find them. I found a boots-version of 'em a few weeks ago, sadly I haven't bookmarked the page. But it was something between 120€ - 160€... Still affordable. They are one of a kind. Spine heels...
If shoes could kill... These shoes with a gun heel definitely could kill my bank account. They're by Chanel and for sale, yep. But totally out of my league. I can't spend over 2000€ for freakin' shoes. But they are interesting, aren't they? Madonna was spotted wearing them. Not that this matters. Just writin' as proof these are real. Damn it. Killer-pumps.
These are for all the lipstick lovers. And I even like the whole shoe. These two forever-lasting lipsticks are by Alberto Guardini, I saw them for somewhat around 400€.
So... these are "simply" modified. That's what makes this concept even more interesting. In fact this is a simple platform-shoe, made unique with addable straps, spikes and crystals sold by (In)decorous Taste.
You can decorate every shoe with these straps. Your own creation, your unique shoe. The idea is fascinating, it even seems to work with flat shoes.
By the way, they've also got a nice blog.
Next up is my green lace dress, it's done! Finally...
Some strange footwear I found around in the Internet. Every shoe is purchasable, they aren't design museum exhibits. Purchasable... but not for me, in most cases.
Here's my first example and the ones I maybe buy one day when I've got too much money left.
These gems are by Dsquared, the heel looks like a spine. Sadly I've seen them mostly as booties, I'd like them better as sandals. They are already quite old I guess (2010 collection?), so it's hard to find them. I found a boots-version of 'em a few weeks ago, sadly I haven't bookmarked the page. But it was something between 120€ - 160€... Still affordable. They are one of a kind. Spine heels...
If shoes could kill... These shoes with a gun heel definitely could kill my bank account. They're by Chanel and for sale, yep. But totally out of my league. I can't spend over 2000€ for freakin' shoes. But they are interesting, aren't they? Madonna was spotted wearing them. Not that this matters. Just writin' as proof these are real. Damn it. Killer-pumps.
These are for all the lipstick lovers. And I even like the whole shoe. These two forever-lasting lipsticks are by Alberto Guardini, I saw them for somewhat around 400€.
So... these are "simply" modified. That's what makes this concept even more interesting. In fact this is a simple platform-shoe, made unique with addable straps, spikes and crystals sold by (In)decorous Taste.
You can decorate every shoe with these straps. Your own creation, your unique shoe. The idea is fascinating, it even seems to work with flat shoes.
By the way, they've also got a nice blog.
Next up is my green lace dress, it's done! Finally...
Mittwoch, 4. April 2012
Little Haul
I'm sure I'm forgetting a lot of stuff right now, so I'm declaring this as a part one.
Not really that interesting imo, but you'll see most of the stuff worn soon.
Got them since three weeks or so... They already look so used that you can imagine how often I'm wearing them. Sadly they are a little oversized, but since I've got the smallest shoe-size normally available...
Also new pair of shoes... I'm not wearing brown that often, but I love the heel and plateau. As I'm not wearing them often it's okay they're just faux leather.

This one is real leather. Suede, as you can see. It's the perfect size for walking around the whole day. Sadly it's not big enough for college, but my old black bag sadly ain't wearable anymore.
This bracelet matches some earrings I've got so perfectly. And I don't have many bracelets at all. Which is sad. I really need more bracelets. I used to hate them, because I can't stand that stuff annoying me while writing. But just for a few hours it's okay.
I was searching so long for this colour! Remember the violet lipstick I was wearing in one post? It was just in that palette I've got, so I needed a real lipstick. This is a little heavier now, but something different than red for a night out. And it's quite shocking. Next step: black. Ha ha ha... Oh and as you can see: Yves Saint Laurent. 50% discount. Yessss... ^^

This is what I'm sewing right now. Which means... I'm working for weeks on this thing! First I started it wrong. I've sewn the green satin layer of the dress first. But I didn't think of the black lace. Especially that it would look shitty with the tucks if I just sewed both layers together at the shoulder. Soooo... I had to tear everything I've sewn apart and start again. I then have been so angry that I didn't lay a freaking finger on this dress for a week. Well... Now I just have to make it maybe a little longer, it's too short for my taste, I've gotta sew the neckline (which should be heart-shaped... which will be pretty hard. Maybe I'm just sewing it rectangular.) and put in the zipper at the back. Oh and of course I've gotta add sleeves. It's gonna have long wide lace sleeves. I hope I get it done on Friday so I can wear it at my aunts place on the weekend...
The skirt here is also new. It's just a simple black pencil-skirt, but I'm in love with the pleated ruffles.
Not really that interesting imo, but you'll see most of the stuff worn soon.
Got them since three weeks or so... They already look so used that you can imagine how often I'm wearing them. Sadly they are a little oversized, but since I've got the smallest shoe-size normally available...
Also new pair of shoes... I'm not wearing brown that often, but I love the heel and plateau. As I'm not wearing them often it's okay they're just faux leather.
This one is real leather. Suede, as you can see. It's the perfect size for walking around the whole day. Sadly it's not big enough for college, but my old black bag sadly ain't wearable anymore.
This bracelet matches some earrings I've got so perfectly. And I don't have many bracelets at all. Which is sad. I really need more bracelets. I used to hate them, because I can't stand that stuff annoying me while writing. But just for a few hours it's okay.
I was searching so long for this colour! Remember the violet lipstick I was wearing in one post? It was just in that palette I've got, so I needed a real lipstick. This is a little heavier now, but something different than red for a night out. And it's quite shocking. Next step: black. Ha ha ha... Oh and as you can see: Yves Saint Laurent. 50% discount. Yessss... ^^
This one isn't really new. It was my moms, actually. Yeah, she used to wear leather skirts. I've got a cool and stylish mom. I just had to repair the skirt first.
This is what I'm sewing right now. Which means... I'm working for weeks on this thing! First I started it wrong. I've sewn the green satin layer of the dress first. But I didn't think of the black lace. Especially that it would look shitty with the tucks if I just sewed both layers together at the shoulder. Soooo... I had to tear everything I've sewn apart and start again. I then have been so angry that I didn't lay a freaking finger on this dress for a week. Well... Now I just have to make it maybe a little longer, it's too short for my taste, I've gotta sew the neckline (which should be heart-shaped... which will be pretty hard. Maybe I'm just sewing it rectangular.) and put in the zipper at the back. Oh and of course I've gotta add sleeves. It's gonna have long wide lace sleeves. I hope I get it done on Friday so I can wear it at my aunts place on the weekend...
That's how my hair finally looks. Everyfuckingone has black hair now. But I don't care. First I wanted to dye it violet because I didn't go with this trend, but hey, I already had violet hair. And black is almost my natural colour. So... fuck off, blondies gone black and all gothic.
The skirt here is also new. It's just a simple black pencil-skirt, but I'm in love with the pleated ruffles.
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