At last, I'm on holidays!
I feel so free now. Physics was awesome, because it was the exam the class of last year wrote and I've got that exam yesterday from a friend of mine. Thanks Ida! <3
So it was pretty good for me.
Tonight I'll celebrate that all this exam-stress is over with a party, now I can party again, because I don't have to get up early and learn tomorrow :D
And I'll go skiing with my parents this holidays at Austria, near Salzburg, so we're gonna take a visiting and shopping day. Or two ^__~
We're leaving on Friday somewhen at night, so it won't be a lazy Christmas...
By the way, what are your plans for this holidays?
Apropos Christmas, I already got a present from a friend at school, a really great present:
A little Berlin-purse, because she was there this month | |
and lipstick-trials! |
She gifted me many trials because she didn't know which colours I already have or which I don't like.
But I've gotta say: I love them all! They're from Dior and Chanel and really awesome. I'll try out one tonight and take the others with me ;)
She also wanted to gift me make-up brushes. I gave her a beautiful pocket mirror in gold with marquetry. I fell in love with that mirror. And I guess she needs one. She always asks me for a mirror during lessons :D
Outfit today was very casual. Too casual for my. I barely wear Jeans or trousers in general, but today I was so sleepy in the morning and so excited about Physics that I only wore, what was falling out of my closet.
But I love the shirt! It's from ZARA with pointe shoes. But I never wear it at the ballet. Too sad. I'm always wearing leotards there. And I had no make-up on my face. I didn't even feel very naked without :D
Perfect soundtrack for today is by Madonna: