I'm sure I'm forgetting a lot of stuff right now, so I'm declaring this as a part one.
Not really that interesting imo, but you'll see most of the stuff worn soon.
Got them since three weeks or so... They already look so used that you can imagine how often I'm wearing them. Sadly they are a little oversized, but since I've got the smallest shoe-size normally available...
Also new pair of shoes... I'm not wearing brown that often, but I love the heel and plateau. As I'm not wearing them often it's okay they're just faux leather.
This one is real leather. Suede, as you can see. It's the perfect size for walking around the whole day. Sadly it's not big enough for college, but my old black bag sadly ain't wearable anymore.
This bracelet matches some earrings I've got so perfectly. And I don't have many bracelets at all. Which is sad. I really need more bracelets. I used to hate them, because I can't stand that stuff annoying me while writing. But just for a few hours it's okay.
I was searching so long for this colour! Remember the violet lipstick I was wearing in one post? It was just in that palette I've got, so I needed a real lipstick. This is a little heavier now, but something different than red for a night out. And it's quite shocking. Next step: black. Ha ha ha... Oh and as you can see: Yves Saint Laurent. 50% discount. Yessss... ^^
This one isn't really new. It was my moms, actually. Yeah, she used to wear leather skirts. I've got a cool and stylish mom. I just had to repair the skirt first.

This is what I'm sewing right now. Which means... I'm working for weeks on this thing! First I started it wrong. I've sewn the green satin layer of the dress first. But I didn't think of the black lace. Especially that it would look shitty with the tucks if I just sewed both layers together at the shoulder. Soooo... I had to tear everything I've sewn apart and start again. I then have been so angry that I didn't lay a freaking finger on this dress for a week. Well... Now I just have to make it maybe a little longer, it's too short for my taste, I've gotta sew the neckline (which should be heart-shaped... which will be pretty hard. Maybe I'm just sewing it rectangular.) and put in the zipper at the back. Oh and of course I've gotta add sleeves. It's gonna have long wide lace sleeves. I hope I get it done on Friday so I can wear it at my aunts place on the weekend...

That's how my hair finally looks. Everyfuckingone has black hair now. But I don't care. First I wanted to dye it violet because I didn't go with this trend, but hey, I already had violet hair. And black is almost my natural colour. So... fuck off, blondies gone black and all gothic.
The skirt here is also new. It's just a simple black pencil-skirt, but I'm in love with the pleated ruffles.